New teaser for the upcoming Olympus E-M1X launched on Youtube. According to that video the official announcement of the OM-D E-M1X camera is scheduled for January 24.
As we mentioned in our previous articles, the highly anticipated Micro Four Thirds camera is expected to arrive with two telephoto zoom, one wide-angle zoom and a speedlight. Exciting days ahead for Micro 4/3rds users.
Take a look at the new Olympus E-M1X teaser. Following the video you can find some screenshots from the video as well as the final specs sheet.
The first rumored Olympus E-M1X specs shows that the camera will include a new 20 megapixel sensor, a 50 megapixel handheld high-resolution shooting mode. It will also fetaure 18fps burst shooting, and an incredible 7.5 stops of image stabilisation. The price of the Olympus E-M1X sports camera will stand around $3,000.
- Name: Olympus OM-D E-M1X
- Price around $3,000
- 2x speed than E-M1 Mark II
- 2 TruePic VIII processors
- 20MP MFT image sensor
- 18 fps
- AI AutoFocus
- Larger EVF
- Improved stabilization with up to 7.5 EV stabilization
- Can take around 80MP high resolution image with hand held
- Size similar to Nikon D850 with Battery Grip
- USB chargeable
- Data transferable by air to a server
- Radio control of remote flash with a new flash coming and receiver for old flashes
- Bluetooth
- Same battery as E-M1 Mark II
- Will be a sports camera, to compete with Canon EOS-1D X Mark II & Nikon D5.
- Announcement on January 20, 2019, Shiping in February.
On the other hand, Olympus confirmed in an interview that the company has no plans to develop a full-frame camera.
Stay tuned with us for more information. Read more Olympus Mirrorless news and Olympus Rumors.
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via OM-D Youtube