Home » Fujifilm » Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 Comparison

Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 Comparison

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Let’s look at the Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 comparison. We compare the specifications of these high-end APS-c cameras to see what they offer at a glance.

The Fujifilm X-T3 uses a new ‘X-Trans CMOS 4’ sensor and ‘X Processor 4’ combination. It’s a 26.1MP BSI CMOS sensor and it can be read-out 1.5x faster than the one in the X-T2. Check out the Fujifilm X-T3 compared to X-H1 and X-T2 in details.

The Sony A6500 and Nikon D500 come out with the top high-end cameras that have the other APS-c sensor in the market. So we wanted to put together the specifications comparison of Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 with the current price tags.

Specifications Comparison of Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs X-T2 Cameras

Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 Comparison

Below you can see the specs comparison table of Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Nikon D500 vs Sony A6500 cameras. Some differences like sensor, image size, shooting speed, lcd size etc.. detailed as bold on the table.

Features Fujifilm X-T3 Fujifilm X-H1 Nikon D500 Sony a6500
Sensor Resolution 26MP 24MP 20MP 24MP
AF System On-sensor PDAF (98%) On-sensor PDAF (37%) Secondary sensor PDAF On-sensor PDAF (75%)
In-body Stabilization Lens only In-body Lens only In-body
Base ISO 160 200 100 100
Burst Speed 20 fps (e-shutter) 14 fps (e-shutter) 10 fps 11 fps
Card slots 2 x UHS II 2 x UHS II 1 x XQD, 1 x UHS II 1 x UHS I
Touchscreen Yes Yes Yes Yes
AF joystick Yes Yes Yes No
Max video resolution 4K/60p (UHD/DCI) 4K/30p (UHD/DCI) 4K/30p (UHD) 4K/30p (UHD)
Viewfinder resolution 3.69M dots 3.69M dots N/A 2.36M dots
Viewfinder magnification 0.75x equiv. 0.75x equiv. 0.67x equiv. 0.71x equiv.
Built-in flash? No No No Yes
Wireless connectivity Wi-Fi with BT Wi-Fi with BT Proprietary Wi-Fi Wi-Fi with NFC
Battery life (CIPA) 390 shots 310 shots 1240 shots 350 shots
Weight (w/ card and battery) 539g 673g 860g 453g
Dimensions 133 x 93 x 59mm 140 x 97 x 86mm 147 x 115 x 81mm 120 x 67 x 53mm
Price $1,499 $1,649 $1,796 $1,098