Aurora HDR wins “Best App of the Year” honors from Apple

Apple named Aurora HDR 2018 as their Best Mac App of 2017. To celebrate this milestone, and help even more people access this great photography tool, Aurora HDR 2018 — both Mac & Windows — will be available for the rest of December at $20 OFF with a pack of special bonuses included.

Aurora HDR is not just a tool for merging bracketed images, it also provides numerous tools and countless options to create perfect HDR photos for every taste – from one-click presets and advanced tone-mapping, to layers, noise reduction, and powerful luminosity masking controls. It was named as the Best App of 2017 by Apple.

Read below for the detailed information about the offer.

Aurora HDR is Mac App Store of the Year 2017

Aurora HDR is Mac App Store of the Year 2017 

Offer Availability:

The Aurora HDR Special offer will be available from December  7 – 31


  • Current users of Aurora HDR may upgrade at a Special price of $39
  • New users can purchase Aurora HDR 2018 for $79
  • A collection of bonuses will also be included with every purchase.

You can get both softwares Luminar 2018 and Aurora HDR with a $10 discount using coupon code “CAMERANEWS

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