Nikon ViewNX-i version 1.2.2 Released

Nikon released ViewNX-i version 1.2.2 and ViewNX-i + Capture NX-D combo version 1.16.030.

The update fixes several issues and now supports uploading MP4 files to NIKON IMAGE SPACE. You can see the list of modifications enabled in the versions below.

Capture NX-D is designed specifically for processing RAW images while Nikon’s new ViewNX-i image-browsing software is designed to enable use of still images and movies recorded with a Nikon digital camera.

Nikon ViewNX-i 1.2.2 Released


Here are the changes from the previous release:

  • Upload of MP4 files to NIKON IMAGE SPACE is now supported.
  • Fixed the following issue:
    • The Convert Files option in ViewNX-i would produce solid gray images when applied to photos shot with the D500 and later processed using the Fisheye option in Capture NX-D.
    • Slideshows would sometimes end before playback was complete.

Download ViewNX-i version 1.2.2 and ViewNX-i + Capture NX-D combo version 1.16.030 here.

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