Nikon Capture NX-D, Picture Control Utility and ViewNX Updated with D750 Support

Nikon released updates for the Capture NX-D, Picture Control Utility and ViewNX software with support for the new D750 DSLR camera.

The Capture NX-D is a new application for processing and adjusting raw image files generated by Nikon digital cameras. Capture NX-D updated to version 1.0.2.

The ViewNX is an all-in-one image browsing and editing software application for both still images and movies. ViewNX updated to version 2.10.1 and replaced by the Picture Control Utility 2 software updated to version 2.0.1.

The only change on all these softwares is the support for the newly announced Nikon D750 DSLR camera.

Nikon Capture NX-D, Picture Control Utility and ViewNX Updated with D750 Support


Download links for the Nikon Capture NX-D 1.0.2, ViewNX 2.10.0 and Picture Control Utility 2.0.0  can be seen below.

  • Capture NX-D 1.0.2
  • Picture Control Utility 2.0.1
  • ViewNX 2.10.1
Topics : Nikon